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Cdpq Annual Report

CDPQ Releases Annual Report Highlights Strong Performance and Progress

Portfolio Performance and Depositor Plans

Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) has released its Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2022, showcasing a strong portfolio performance and the continued resilience of its individual depositor plans.

Portfolio Performance

CDPQ's portfolio generated a 10.4% return in 2022, outperforming its benchmark by 5.2%. The portfolio's diversified mix of assets, including equity, fixed income, and real estate, contributed to its resilience in challenging market conditions.

Depositor Plans

CDPQ's individual depositor plans, including its pension funds and insurance plans, remain in excellent financial health. The plans' strong funding ratios and low-risk profiles provide security for members and beneficiaries.

Financial Strength and Outlook

CDPQ maintains a strong financial position with sufficient liquidity to meet its commitments. The organization's credit ratings from Standard & Poor's and Moody's remain stable, reflecting its financial strength and stable outlook.

Creating Long-Term Value

The Annual Report, titled "Creating," highlights CDPQ's commitment to creating long-term value for depositors, partners, and the Québec community. CDPQ's strategic investments and focus on sustainability aim to generate positive returns while contributing to the economic and social well-being of Québec.
